14 Dec; An evening with … Molly Scott Cato

14 Dec; An evening with … Molly Scott Cato

Somerset Loves Europe is excited to announce a a third event in our “evening with …” series: An evening with Molly Scott Cato on Monday 14 December at 8pm. “Doors open” at 7:30.

“Needs no introduction” is perhaps an over-used phrase, but for pro-Europe supporters in the South-West, Molly must surely be in that category. For the rest of you, Molly Scott Cato was a Green Party MEP for the South West of England and Gibraltar. As a professor of economics, passionate about Europe and sustainability, she is always worth listening to.

It was an excellent evening. Molly gave a clear and wise summary of where we are with Brexit and as a nation. Not everything that she had to say was comfortable to hear, but she charted a route out of the dark wood that we find ourselves in, for which we are very grateful.

For a summary, see the live-Tweeting thread, at https://twitter.com/hashtag/eveningwithMollyScottCato.

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